I really didn't want another dog since we had had "Jacob" for about 15 years, a chocolate lab that was like part of the family. I wanted to try life without a dog for awhile because you have to always be thinking of them when you go off or come home late, etc. Terry still wanted a dog and Todd, our youngest son, had just happened to find the lab puppies. Terry had a dream that we got a white lab puppy and named "him" Toby. Look what appeared right away. I think that I was set up. He was cute but I probably would have picked one of the girl puppies if I had to pick one.....they were all cute. Needless to say, I went along with the crowd and we got a new puppy.
We promptly made ALL of the mistakes. First of all I could not crate him. If you are going to have a dog, they need to be able to run around inside and out. Second, I just helped him a little and he managed to get up on the bed and lay down with us one morning. Sort of cute when he is 5 pounds but now he is 90 pounds.
We believe that he was just about the most destructive dog on earth, getting from a puppy to a 2 1/2 year old dog. His favorite was pillow foam... I would come home from work to find the living room had experienced a snow storm from the couch pillows. What is so bad is that I would bring the downstairs couch pillows up if we had company (so you could sit on the couch) and forget to take them back down. I learned very quickly to not do that again. He tore one of the downstairs pillows once and made it a center cushion instead of a left side cushion. One morning while Terry was in the shower, I went to make coffee and when I came back, he was proudly bringing my eyeglasses to me ... forget that they were new and one side was crunched. Clickers ... we went through them like crazy, he really loved to chew them until the batteries fell out.
One of the funniest things that happened was when Nedra came and picked me up to go to somewhere, when I got home there was a message on my recorder from my next door neighbor. They wanted me to call them as soon as I got the message. Apparently Toby had gotten my keys that have a clicker on them to open the car and it has a panic alarm on it. Well Toby was chewing or biting it and the panic alarm was going on and off. They had tried to get me to come to the door but I didn't come and they were afraid I was trying to signal for help. It was only Toby! There are probably too many things Toby did to go through, but he would always be at the backdoor when I would come home from work with that I didn't mean to do it look.

If you and the dog can manage to live through the "puppy stage" and we did manage, you will come out with the best dog in the world. Toby has become our best friend and a part of the family. He is one of the most loving dogs we have ever had, but then, he gets away with more than any dog we have ever had. He demanded that we care about him even when he was bad, and he knew when he was bad.
The picture above was the day I went to the Sunflower Farm in Rutledge, GA with Southern Colours. I was making pictures of the sunflowers for potential paintings and I caught him checking out the sunflowers.
If you are thinking about a pet, don't hesitate. Maybe get a little bitty one, but we love Toby and he loves us. It really adds alot to your life, you'll be surprised. Sally...